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关于”军训的感受“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Feelings of military training。以下是关于军训的感受的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Feelings of military training

In the golden September, we bid farewell to junior high school and went to our dream high school for further study. According to the practice every year, the freshmen have to take part in strict and challenging military training. During this period, they should cultivate a hard-working lifestyle and a sense of respecting teachers and teaching.

Students should not only learn military knowledge, but also cultivate their own military willpower, that is to say, this is a real challenge to physical strength and willpower. In addition, clean houses are also included in the training, which will help students to be independent in schools. Military training is a challenging task, but it is as helpful as education.




At present, most students must take part in military training, including some primary school students. Different people have different opinions. Some people think it is unnecessary because they think that students should study hard instead of training like soldiers.

But I think it is necessary because military training is good for us in many aspects. First, it can strengthen our body. Second, it can develop Developing our character and eventually training can help us learn how to face difficulties, and we can learn to be responsible for what we do.




In our country, when we go to middle school, we must take part in the military training that most students are afraid of, because military training often happens in hot summer, the weather is too hot to stand on, and the students have to stay outside all day, training is very difficult, students must learn to become an old man, they must abide by many rules they do not have to abide by in their daily life And the trainers are very strict with the students. They really care about the students like our teachers. However, military training is a good way to cultivate students' strong willpower.

It is beneficial to students' life and necessary for every student.




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